Infinity Friends Membership


Infinity Friends’ goal is to nurture the children’s growth and confidence by encouraging their participation in a variety of community-based, leisure, and self-care activities, all designed to develop their abilities and skills.

Once your child is a member we also provide support for you, the families and carers of the kids. This is provided through peer support, a private parents Facebook group and also through social activities which can help destress and allow you to take some time out.

Waiting List

Infinity Friends started in 2022 and already has over 50 children attending 5 clubs with an already lengthy waiting list. We ask for your patience as we develop and grow our team and facilities. If you would like to add your child to our waiting list you can do so below and we will get in touch with you to confirm.

We need the following information: Name and age of child or teen. Year of diagnosis. Name of parent or carer and contact details.

Once a spot becomes available you will be contacted.


Membership Waiting List Form

Please click on the below link to add your child’s information to our waiting list

Infinity Friends Waiting List